The Gurukul Montessori School is founded upon the dream of Late Sri Rama Shankar Jaiswal, who was a renowned social worker and great industrialist of Varanasi. From starting the struggle of life at a very early age, he traversed the tough road to success through myriad experiences and experiments. He came across thousands of people, a few successful and still rising on the path of success and majority of people merely dragging on with their lives. He found that the basic reason for being unsuccessful was lack of education, so inspired by it he persuade himself with most important mission of his life to set up a place, where education can be provided to all especially to the poor people. With the inspired of above Gurukul Montessori School is come into existence with single motive to literate the people and society as strong, healthy and developed.
Cofounder Late Sri Tara Chandra Jaiswal, was a renowned businessmen, who had achieved the status of King of Jari Business of Varanasi. With his eye for details he saw that women in society are mostly illiterate due to which they are often harassed and exploited. He dreamt of society of where women were empowered and they can be achieved through proper education of girls to make them morally upright, spiritually attuned, technically adept and economically independent.